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The Both/And of COVID-19

Writer: Faithful & TrueFaithful & True

Have you ever thought about what motivates you in your recovery journey? Today on the Faithful & True Podcast, Susie Smidt joins Greg and Randy to discuss internal motivation; what it is and why it makes all the difference in recovery.


As we near the one-year mark of the corona virus hitting our country and causing massive shutdowns, it feels worthwhile to pause and consider how the concept of the “both/and” can help us gain valuable perspective.

We all have many stories of ways that our lives have been negatively affected this past year by the virus.

  • Loneliness, disconnection, and isolation

  • Job instability

  • Inability to engage in enjoyable activities

  • Financial uncertainty

  • Missing friends and family

  • Balancing work and teaching kids at home

  • Helping kids navigate isolation from friends

The list goes on and on.

Acknowledging the Good and Bad

The concept of the “both/and” allows us to also acknowledge and enjoy positive things we’ve experienced without disregarding the pain.

  • Might we be able to see unexpected gifts both large and small amid the difficult things?

  • What blessings have we experienced along with the difficulties?

  • Maybe the changes in routines and rhythms have created opportunities to reflect and rest?

  • Perhaps working from home has been a positive thing?

  • Family time has been especially meaningful, schedules have felt less hectic, or space has provided the opportunity to learn new things?

  • Perhaps we have gained a new perspective on the value of friendships and relationships and time spent together with people we love and appreciate?

The “both/and” says that it is possible to have experienced significant loss because of the corona virus and to still be able to say that there has been something good as well. The one does not cancel out the other. It is the ability to hold the tension of seemingly opposite realities and allow them to both be true. What would an ampersand statement sound like for you?

  • I’ve lost income and I’ve enjoyed extra time with my kids.

  • I’ve felt lonely and disconnected and I’ve learned to tune in to quiet and see beauty in nature I never took time to notice.

And instead of But

Life is full of contradictory experiences. Allow both to be true by using “and” instead of “but”. Appreciate the rest and reflection enjoyed in the slower pace without invalidating the terrible pain of losing a loved one. Instead of “either/or”, let’s work on making it “both/and”. If it can only be good or the bad, we limit the possibilities.

If you feel led, consider writing out a timeline including each month from March 2020 to March 2021. Reflect on your experience in each of past 12 months. Can you identify both blessings and difficulties in every month?

What has this challenging year taught you?



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